Leisure |
From theme parks to new virtual museums. From digital cinema to video games. Digital Leisure promises to be the leading protagonist of performing arts society in the 21st century. Will the new theme parks, where sensations at the limit of the imagination will be experienced, be capable of prompting people out of their homes, where they will be hypnotized by 500 T.V. channels? Will the first virtual museums be able to access electronic art to all sectors of the public? Will movie theaters recover their protagonism thanks to three dimensional, high definition images seen without glasses and computer-generated actors? These are some of the questions which presenters will try to respond to in this ART FUTURA '99 conference dedicated to "Digital Leisure". ART FUTURA '99 will celebrate its tenth edition in the Casa de la Provincia at the Plaza del Triunfo in Seville, next to the Giralda, between October 29th and November 1st.
ART FUTURA therefore celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, with
four editions celebrated in Barcelona, another four in Madrid and two
more in Seville.