Computer Animation |
FUTURA SHOW “Bunny” by Chris Wedge and Blue Sky Studios “Bjork: All Is Full Of Love” by Glassworks “The Legend of Dragoon” by Sony Computer Entertainment “ The Duck Father” by Tomoyuki Harashima “To Build a Better Mousetrap” by Christopher Leone “Oddworld: Abe’s Exodus” by Oddworld Inhabitants “Tightrope” by Digital Domain “Hollow” by Jason Shulman “Fiat Lux” by Paul Debevec “Le Bestiaire” by Julien Delmotte “Bike” by Dietmar Offenhuber “The Delivery” by Christine Arboit & Michael Brunet “Longing” by Amy Moran “Les Pecheurs de Perles” by Hiroyuki Okui “Vision” by Satoshi Kitahara “Un Temps Pour Elle” by Erwin Charrier “Tribu” by Clarenc, Darques & Lecointre “Freedom” by Minoru Sasaki “Shutter Bug” by Joseph Brumm “Planet Paranoid” by Wolfgang Morell “Brillia” by Yoichiro Kawaguchi