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Videos Futura

ArtFutura 2022 / 2023

ArtFutura, 30 years processing the future. What will the next 30 years be like? At ArtFutura we’re convinced that transformative technology must be centered on the human being, as we have anticipated in Humanized Technology, as we have always done, throughout these 30 years.

Platige Image, Nikita Diakur, Cool 3D World, Maxim Zhestkov, Brendan Dawes,  Nikopicto, Unity, Jonathan Zawada, Oliver Latta, WOW Inc., Brendan Dawes,  Igor Coric, Julius Horsthuis, everfresh, Unity, Frederik Heyman, Klaudiusz Wesolowski, Sevi Iko Domochevsky, Giselle Angeles, Nonotak, Vincent Houze, Cocolab, Tundra…

ArtFutura 2018 / 2019

The audiovisual program of ArtFutura 2018 / 2019 presents the latest creative trends including the new Behind the Scenes program (a new section on the “Making ofs”, those mini documentaries that explain the secrets behind special effects), a new release of Artworks (with works by WOW Inc., h0nh1m, Ouchhh and Can Buyukbereber), the 3D Futura Show (Goodbye Kansas, Julius Horsthuis, Maxim Zhestkov, Simon Christoph Krenn, Nicolas Deveaux, Dusan Kastelic …) and Futura Graphics (Alex Popescu, Lubomir Arsov , Substance, Klub Simon, Serjan Burlak, Mike Mort …).

Also the Schools Futura program with works from the most important international schools: ESMA, ISART, Gobelins, Ringling College, Animation Workshop, New3DGE, MOPA, Rubika…

Damian Nenow | Another Day in Life
Can Büyükberber | Multiverse Series
Alex Popescu | BlackMass_Experiment
Ouchhh | AVA_V2
h0nh1m / XEX | Prismverse
Clon | JANMAR B17
Dusan Kastelic | The Box
Julius Horsthuis | Fractal Cathedral
Animation Workshop | Bacchus

Digital Creatures

“Digital Creatures” is the title of ArtFutura’s last exhibition in Rome, showing a new breed of artists that arrive from different generations, countries and professional fields: Universal Everything (UK), Can Buyukberber (USA / Turkey), Sachiko Kodama (Japan), Paul Friedlander (UK),  Chico MacMurtrie / Amorphic Robot Works (USA) and Esteban Diácono (Argentina).

At the beginning of this 21st century we’re all mutating into “digital creatures”. Our jobs, our emotions, our friendships, our art… everything is performed more and more in the digital realm.

Can Buyukberber | Morphogenesis
Universal Everything|Screens of the Future
Digital Creatures | Trailer

ArtFutura 2017

The ArtFutura audiovisual program for 2017 analyzes the creative trends presenting the latest in 3D, motion graphics, experimental video and the new aesthetics.

It iincludes segments like Artworks (dedicated to the best in new media installations and multimedia works), 3D Futura Show (with the most outstanding 3D computer graphics) and Futura Graphics (Digital animations and beyond: Shorts, virals, clips and new languages).

Also includes the new segment “Schools” with works selected and produced by schools across the world.

MegaComputeur | Deuspi
David Lewandowski | Time for Sushi
Martin Lapp | Breaking Point
Blanchard & Oilhack | Galaxy Gates
teamlab | Trascending Boundaries
Maotic | Flow
NohLab | Robotic Arm
Daniel Canogar | Sikka Ingentium
WOW Inc | Hakodate Media Wall
DJA| Parametric Glacier
Can Buyukberber | Connectivity
Julius Horsthuis | Fractalicious 5

ArtFutura 2016

ArtFutura’s audiovisual program for 2016 includes the latest contributions in 3D Animation, Motiongraphics, Time-lapse, Special Effects, Documentaries… with works by Kouhei Nakama, WOW Inc, Tomer Eshed, Aardman Studios, Josan, teamlab, Stain & Lazyfish, Daniel Canogar, Moth, Squidsoup

In “Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World”, Werner Herzog chronicles the virtual world from its origins to its outermost reaches, exploring the digital landscape with the same curiosity and imagination he previously used for destinations as disparate as the Amazon, the Sahara, the South Pole and the Australian outback.

Kouhei Nakama | Diffusion
ManvsMachine | Versus
Nobumichi Asai | Ghost in the Shell
Salon Alpin | Falter
WOW Inc | Unity of Motion
teamlab | Crystal Universe
Marshmallow Laser Feast | ITEOTA
Rogério Nunes | Heart of Darkness
Werner Herzog | Lo and Behold

ArtFutura 2015

In its twenty-sixth edition ArtFutura arrives to twenty cities: Buenos Aires, Granada, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Montevideo, Sao Paulo… 

The ArtFutura 2015 audiovisual program features works by Yukai Du, Erik Wernquist, Shigetaka Makabe, Tomás Vergara, Sascha Geddert, Gavin Moran, Daniel Canogar, Daniel Rozin, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer, Universal Everything, Factory Fifteen, Viliina Koivisto, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

 As well as the short film “Artistry / Technology” by Liberatum, with the participation of David Hockney, Francis Ford Coppola, Frank Gehry and Ed Ruscha.

The Bug | Factory Fifteen
Erik Wernquist | Wanderers
Jinxy Jenkins  |  Lucky Lou
Let it Ripple | The Adaptable Mind
Thom Haig | Becoming One
Factory Fifteen | Cocoon
Yuki Tazaki, WOW Inc | Infinity Line
Universal Everything | Living Mural
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer |  Pulse Corniche

ArtFutura 2014

ArtFutura premieres in 2014 the documentary “The Digital Promise”, about the impact of digital culture and its parallelism with ArtFutura through its 25 first editions. With the participation of William Gibson, Nicholas Negroponte, Clay Shirky, Rebecca Allen, Sherry Turkle, Tiffany Shlain, Montxo Algora, Marcel.lí Antúnez and others.

“In 1990 we still didn’t use the Internet. Video games and special effects were rudimentary and we lacked digital cameras or social media. Digital technology was not yet present in our lives. But we were sure that something was going to change. The Cybernetic Revolution promised a new world and an alternative reality of infinite possibilities”.  

The Digital Promise (Documentary)
Universal Everything | Reel 2014
Justin Vin | Wave House
Red Knuckles | Dark Noir 
Job, Joris & Marieke | The Happy Camper
Roy Two Thousand | Lake of Dreams

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