“It all started in my studio alone. I designed and directed everything myself. And as clients grew and ideas became more ambitious, I built a network of independent experts distributed all over the world.”
Matt Pyke
Universal Everything
Universal Everything is a digital art and design collective, based in Sheffield, England.
Founded in 2004 by creative director Matt Pyke, they also feature Mike Hughes, Greg Povey, Chris Perry and Simon Thompson.
Their proposals combine humanity and technology to stimulate emotions, sensations and participation.
Their ability to materialize the emotional relationship between man and technology leads them to transpose into visions the music of Radiohead and Coldplay, to enhance and transform architectures such as the Sydney Opera House and to create brand identity projects that are in fact real works of art.
Sus obras son experiencias multisensoriales que combinan vídeo, sonido, luz, arquitectura e interacción. Colaborando con personas y organizaciones visionarias como: Apple, Audi, The Barbican, Chanel, Dolby, Google, Hyundai, Intel, La Gaite Lyrique Paris, MOMA NYC, MTV, Nike, Nokia, Science Museum London, Samsung, Sydney Opera House, V & A Museum Londres, Warp Records y Zaha Hadid Architects.
Digital Creatures
“Screens of the Future” is one of the installations included in the exhibit “Digital Creatures”, presented by ArtFutura in Rome in 2017.
“Screens of the Future” is the start of an ongoing series of visionary prototypes, based on the emerging technologies of flexible displays, shape-shifting materials and context-aware functionality.
They highlight humanity’s increasingly integrated relationship with technology, serving as product demos of our near future.
+ information at: www.universaleverything.com