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ArtFutura 1999

Ocio Digital



ArtFutura 1999

Digital Leisure  

29 October – 1 November / Palacio de la Plaza del Triunfo, Sevilla

Moebius, Toni Meca, Félix Bergés, Miguel Angel Fuertes, Alejandro Sacristán, Gonzalo Suárez, Emilio López Galiacho, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, …dijo el monje, Mr. Ah

ArtFutura celebrated its tenth anniversary by dedicating a special edition to Digital Leisure and to the entertainment of the future. A topic that covers everything from theme parks to the new virtual museums and also includes digital cinema and videogames. Leisure environments and digital scenarios which will feature the Entertainment Society of the 21st century were also analyzed.

Minoru Sasaki
Mr. Ah! - Earthdance

In order to take this look at Future Leisure, ArtFutura invited guests such as the French illustrator Moebius, who returned to the festival to talk about his participation in the project “The Hermetic Garage” by Metreon, the center of entertainment and leisure in San Francisco.

Within the audiovisual program, ArtFutura Show 99, there were some magnificent works by Satoshi Kitahara, Pixar, Tomoyuki Harashima, Digital Domain, Hiroyuki Okui and the inclusion of “Bunny” by Chris Wedge and Blue Sky Studios, winners of the Oscar for the best animated shorts. Shots, the international selection of the most creative advertisements of the year carried out by the English company “Shots”; and Infography in Spain, the selection of the best computer animation made in our country which includes, among others, works by the University of the Baleares, Trazos and CEV.




Another of the participants was the Spaniard Miguel Ángel Fuertes, director of computer animation of the film “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” and another was one of the highest posts in the production team at IL&M.

“Encyclopedia”, a joint project from three European museums: the Pompidou, the Museum Ludwig, Cologne and the Center for Contemporary Images, Geneva, was presented.

Finally, in the exhibition “Digital Leisure”, Emilio López Galiacho presented, in collaboration with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “The Able Skin”, a work in virtual reality in which real and virtual spaces are superimposed.

And the Asturian Paco Cao presented his performance “The City of God II”.

La Piel Capaz - Emilio L. Galiacho Y Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

“The story of the making of “The Airtight Garage” is a funny one. In those days, I often felt strong bursts of inspiration, and I would go home and draw all night.

In the morning, I would look at what I had done and would either shelve it, because I thought it looked absurd or uninteresting, or I would add to it in order to build a four or six page story.

It all started like that. I drew the first two pages with the feeling of making up a big joke, a complete mystery, something that could not possibly lead anywhere. And yet, at the same time, I was trying to create something that captured a feeling of joy and fantasy that I felt inside me, almost as if I was remembering the incomplete part of a dream”.


Moebius - Metreon
Moebius - Metreon
Moebius - Metreon
Moebius, Miguel Angel Fuertes, Montxo Algora
Moebius en Sevilla

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